Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Photo Suitability

Photo is very important for caricature because we will only base the outlines on the finalized reference photo that you will give to us. We will just draw what we see on the photo. So before the project starts we surely want to use the best photo of the subject that you can get , so that we give you the best caricature outcome out of it . here's some guidelines to help you to find the best photo reference of the subject .

Photo Guidelines
  • The Better the Photo, The Better the Drawing ! 
  • Details like proportions, shape, face details and angles are base from the reference photo .
  • So it is better if it is a "Good Photograph"

Good Photos

-      Please Provide At least three recent photos of the subject which are a good likeness to the subject.

-      Clear Quality photos with fine face details

-      Try to get photos that shows the head, hair , neck and shoulders only

-      Best angle of the subject is looking forward

-      Nice Smiley Shots are the best

-      Individual Photos of the Subject for Couple or Group Caricature are okay
Not a good photos

-      Please don’t submit half or full body images , the head details of the subjects is only what I needed . You can cropped the photo, from head to shoulder, but make sure that the face details are clear and fine  to see

-      Please don’t submit images that are too small, too pixelated, too light or too dark to see the details, too blurry , too pixelated, Cut-off and Bad Angle

-      When Submitting photos with multiple people, please cropped  and  submit the photo of the subject  only

*we will finalize the photo that we will be using for reference first, before we proceed and start the project , once we finalized the photo and  projects starts, and the head of the subject was already sketched , we can't change the head of the subject anymore by using a new or another reference

* Please specify also the eye color , hair color or any distinguishing facial marks. Especially when it is not visible to submitted photo